Cable entries in Hazardous Areas

Do you know the requirements that apply to cables and gland in Ex areas? Learn about cable entries, techniques and methods for correct execution in potentially explosive areas.

25 minutes
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Objectives of Cable entries in Hazardous Areas

The course participant will get an introduction to different cable entries in Ex equipment, and cable transits in Ex areas.

Who needs Cable entries in Hazardous Areas?

Electrical professionals who work with or design electrical installations in hazardous areas.

Subjects covered in Cable entries in Hazardous Areas

  • Requirements for cables used in onshore facilities
  • General requirements for cable gland selection
  • Ex d – General gland requirements
  • Ex d – Compound gland
  • Ex d – Double compression gland
  • Ex d – Through gland
  • Ex e – Types and requirements
  • Ex t – Types and requirements
  • Adapters, drain plugs, and blind bolts
  • Multiple Cable Transit – MCT
  • Laying technique
  • Ferrules and cable lugs

Technical information

System requirements

Recommended minimum connection speed is 1.5 Mbps. If you experience problems while running the course, we recommend using the Google Chrome browser.


VAT is not included.

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